This past weekend, in the height of the summer heat, a few of us made our way to an unexpected homo-oasis hours closer than P-Town.
Rehoboth Beach, DE, also known as "Rehomo," turned out to be a breath of fresh hipsterless air. These boys are the old-fashioned gay.
Brief observations provided by zip code below:
Saturday evening costume:
11211- Faded black skinnies/cut-shorties (check last week's Binge and Purge), boat shoes, and an obnoxiously low-cut tank - accessorized with a graphic tote/fake ray-bans.
19971- College t-shirt/abercromie polo, cargo shorts, flip-flops - best accessory for evening: tan (fake of real) and Aqua di Gio eau de toilette.
Libation of choice:
11211- Miller High Life (note: the high necked bottle prevents spillage on the dance floor) and a 20 bag
19971- Rum and diet
Tracks on the dance floor:
11211- Any/everything Ga
19971- Old school Whitney/trance remixes from 2004
After Party:
11211- (a) pizza on Beford, (b) gypsy cab to Bushwick with your trick or (c) desperately trying to stay wake for a response to you 4am Craigslist posting
19971- seeing as how last call is at 1am(!), the evening should just be getting started. Popular destinations seemed to be (a) late night hookup on the beach (beware of police who patrol with flashlights), (b) [this will take further investigation]
But, the most noticable difference.........
19971- far fewer WAMRs
Rohomo sounds like a mixed bag