We all do it, and more-than-likely on a weekly basis. I mean, what else are Saturday nights for?
Sleep-and-scram, [sleep-uhnd-skram] verb: The act of going home with a boy you've never met before and shimmy-ing in the sheets (at your place or his, as long as it's off the L) in a drunken stuper, only to wake-up and take-off as soon as possible - no exchange of numbers, no brunch invites, no plans for the future. Simply put - rub gingies, sleep, wake-up and then skidoots.
"I mean, he came up to me, bought me a drink and then started making out with me - so I went home with him. It was a last-call-booty-call. I woke up and dashed - it was totes a sleep-and-scram."
sleep and scram is best for sunDAY!