YSL [wahy-es-el] noun: Your Stalky Loner, Yuckie Sketchy Loner, Yeddish Sketchy Loner (see Hasidic guys on the DL at Metropolitan), etc.
Origin: In F/W07, a TTT editor attended a private party in the East Village. Being the fabulous extrovert that he is, he struck up a conversation with a vertically challenged wallflower. The conversation was stilted and the TTTer made a break for it to the Phoenix. The wallflower followed him and his friends to the Phoenix where he asked out the TTT. TTT demurred. On a separate occasion, wallflower appeared and asked TTT out again and was again declined. The wallflower morphed into Your Stalky Loner during summer09 in the Pines: always alone (always), always lurking with sideways glances and sweaty palms, he's the ultimate stalky loner.
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