The march began with a good omen; not a cloud in the sky but a rainbow appeared before the crowd made its first steps toward the capital. Perhaps someone from above was showing his (or her) support for love.
Handmade signs were best for day, as seen in the gallery below.
As always, fashion was of the utmost:
As expected, half of New York was in the nation's capital . . . Spotted in D.C. . . . Bravo's president of programing, Andy Cohen and boyfriend plus Target 10's Matt Tumminello and Matt Wagner all at Town after the HRC dinner . . . Paper magazine's editor-at-large Peter Davis clad in full white well after Labor Day. . . Michael Renehan back east from Chicago. . . voice of the Media Matters Minute on NPR, Brandon Hersh . . . New York boys, Michael Benevento, Gabe Figueroa, Michael Hines, Medo Soliman, Alex Carantza, Enrico Contenti, Tim Rathschmidt, David Morganstern, and, as ticity-tac always, Matt Maddox . . . The biggest and brightest New York tranny was of course the Lady Ga. Her incredible performance at the HRC dinner and speech on the steps of the capital building are below.
Lady Gaga shut D.C. down! Literally every tranny was talking about Lady Gaga being in the capital, even the straight ones! The whole weekend was a worked-out, I'll call ya' baaaack, close down. From the march to the parties, D.C. was a hit and the equality movement took a giant leap!
Amazing! Wish I could have been there with you!