The Younger Man [th ee yuhng-ger mhan] noun. The male who is markedly younger than his mate: from seven years to infinity. In this sort of relationship, The Younger Man simultaneously holds all the cards and none at all. The Younger Man is youthful, enthusiastic and open-minded to his lover who is (often) more successful, mature, connected and interesting.
Pros of being The Younger Man:
- Top-notch dinners that come to a close with someone else picking up the check.
- Invitations to parties without a keg or BYOB policy.
- Easy entré into otherwise closed circles of influential individuals.
- In-depth conversations on the meaning of life at a well-appointed vacation home.
- Sex with a pro who's spent decades working on his body.
- Being patronized by mate's friends with less appreciation for, or intense jealousy of, youth.
- Adding to or shaving off a few years for everyone's parents' sake.
- Being mistaken for the cater-waiter, or worse, the son.
- Often coming in second. (see The Careerist)
- The persistent dread that one day soon his ass is going to drop like a fallen soufflé.
The Verdict on The Younger Man:

I tried to date/see a 21 yr old for a hot minute. It ended with him dumping me for his thesis work (undergrad). I mean....