Monday, August 24, 2009

Tranny Vocab Lesson 2 : WAMR

Attention, kiddies - it's time to put on your thinking caps because Tranny Vocab is about to resume. In this series, The Tranny Times explores the varied and wonderful lexicon of Williamsburg trannies. Today's lesson is WAMR.

: [wammer] noun: one who works as a waiter, actor, model or in a retail store.
"I hooked up with this guy last weekend but he turned out to be a WAMR, so I'm not going to bother."

WAMRs can be found in all 50 states and in every borough of the great city of New York, but are most populous in the 11211. Prone to self-aggrandizing and living well beyond their means, WAMRs keep odd hours and perform jobs that do not produce interesting dinner party conversation. WAMRs, by definition, are WAMRs for life - one is not a WAMR if he or she is also perusing one of the following: higher-education, an unpaid internship, a book deal or amnesty from a repressive government regime. WAMR is a blanket term that includes personal trainers, masseurs, personal assistants, dog walkers, etc.


  1. it also comes in handy at the mothership.... when precautioning a friend from going after one. a loud WHAM! is all it takes

  2. but as we learned at The Gates, sometimes WAMRs are so WAMRific that they just shout WHAM right back like it's the newest thing!
