Friday, September 18, 2009

Tranny Vocab Lesson 6 : YSL

Attention, kiddies - it's time to put on your thinking caps because Tranny Vocab is about to resume. In this series, The Tranny Times explores the varied and wonderful lexicon of Williamsburg trannies. Today's lesson is YSL.

YSL [wahy-es-el] noun: Your Stalky Loner, Yuckie Sketchy Loner, Yeddish Sketchy Loner (see Hasidic guys on the DL at Metropolitan), etc.

Origin: In F/W07, a TTT editor attended a private party in the East Village. Being the fabulous extrovert that he is, he struck up a conversation with a vertically challenged wallflower. The conversation was stilted and the TTTer made a break for it to the Phoenix. The wallflower followed him and his friends to the Phoenix where he asked out the TTT. TTT demurred. On a separate occasion, wallflower appeared and asked TTT out again and was again declined. The wallflower morphed into Your Stalky Loner during summer09 in the Pines: always alone (always), always lurking with sideways glances and sweaty palms, he's the ultimate stalky loner.

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