Wind Your Neck [In] [wahynd yohr nek in] verb. what you should tell anyone to do if they: a) be all up in your Kool-Aid; b) are completely out of line on a topic and need to be wrecked with; or c) just look like someone who needs to pull it back a few steps before they get a vodka soda splashed in their grill.
Appropriate Uses:
While engaged in conversations with friends who are infamous for getting out of line; when you're waiting for drink at Boiler Room on Friday night and someone tries to step in front of you; when you're on the L in the morning and some bitch decides to have a full-on conversation with their friend in your ear (BEFORE you've had your morning latte).
Example of Usage: "Did you hear what Alice said about Lady Gaga? I mean....she needs to WIND HER NECK [in]."
Close Cousins:
Reign-it-in; Check yourself
Note: If you're feeling extra ghetto one day, can be led with 'Oh no you di-int'
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